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Submitted Papers
Isabel Adonis Isabel Adonis - Isabel is a writer, artist and educator. She lives with her partner, Bob Macintosh and they explore race and identity together. Read Isabel's paper, Racial identity - to have or to be
Veli Aghdiran Veli Aghdiran - Veli is an intern at The Runnymede Trust, a student of French and Russian, and a traveller with a taste for places off the beaten track. Read Veli's paper, Community through diversity: mixed-race identity online
Eve Ahmed Eve Ahmed - Eve is a freelance journalist. She writes opinion pieces and articles on lifestyle issues for a number of national newspapers. Read Eve's paper, First person: Eve Ahmed
Sir Keith Ajegbo Sir Keith Ajegbo - Keith is former headteacher at Deptford Green and is now a consultant advising the Department for Children, Schools and Families. Read Keith's paper, On being mixed-race
London School of Economics and Political Science Dr Suki Ali - Suki is a Lecturer at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Her interests focus upon feminist cultural studies, postcolonial theory, psychoanalysis, research methodologies, visual culture, and theories of identity and embodiment. Her work centralises the interplay between gender, sexualities, 'race' and class. Read Suki's paper, Gendering mixed-race - deconstructing mixedness
University of Warwick logo Dr Elisabeth Arweck - Elisabeth is Senior Research Fellow in the Institute of Education at the University of Warwick and an editor of the Journal of Contemporary Religion. She is currently researching, with Dr Eleanor Nesbitt, the religious identity formation of young people in mixed-faith families.
Read Elisabeth's paper, Mixed race and mixed families in Britain: the case of growing up in a mixed faith family
Ayo Bakare Ayo Bakare - Ayo is a youth mentoring project co-ordinator at the Media Trust and previously project managed the Multiple Heritage Voices project. Read Ayo's paper Black and Minority Ethnic health inequalities and the 'mixed-race' population
Prof Martyn Barrett Prof Martyn Barrett - Martyn is Professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychology at the University of Surrey. He is Academic Director of the multidisciplinary Centre for Research on Nationalism, Ethnicity and Multiculturalism (CRONEM) at the University of Surrey, an Academician of the Learned Societies for the Social Sciences, and Editor of the British Journal of Developmental Psychology. Read Martyn's paper, Identifications and cultural practices of mixed-heritage youth
Linda Bellos Linda Bellos - Linda is a Director of Diversity Solutions Consultancy Ltd, a specialist equality and diversity company she formed in February 2002. Since the early eighties, Linda has worked with a range of public authorities and the private sector advising on change management and policy formulation. Read Linda's paper, Against the term 'mixed-race'
Dr Chamion Caballero Dr Chamion Cabellero - Chamion is a research fellow at London South Bank Universityand is currently working on a project looking at the experiences of parents from different racial, ethnic and faith backgrounds. She has a longstanding research interest in issues around mixed identities, particularly around the theorisation of mixedness, and was one of the authors of the DfES report 'Understanding the Educational Needs of Mixed Heritage Children', published in 2004. Read Chamion's paper 'Mixed' families: assumptions and new approaches
Rory Campbell - is twenty-three years old with a keen interest in black history. He believes that this should be taught in schools, helping to eliminate racist attitudes, sochildren learn that it's not just white Europeans who invented and discovered everything. Read Rory's paper, Mixed-race Britain - through my eyes
Mix logo Ashley Chilshom - Ashley is the founder of the community website, which is dedicated to supporting mixed couples who face opposition to their relationship from family or community. Read Ashley's paper, Equality and mixed couples: the final frontier
Emma Dabiri Emma Dabiri - Emma is half Irish and half Nigerian and was born and raised in Ireland. She is a graduate of African Studies with an MSc in Conflict and Development Studies with special relation to Africa and Asia and currently works in the media industry. Read Emma's paper, Mixed-race people in advertising
Tanya Datta Tanya Datta - Tanya is a journalist in BBC Radio 4's international current affairs department. Read Tanya's paper, The elephant in the room
Adebe DeRango-Adem Adebe DeRango-Adem - Adebe is a third-year student in York University, Toronto, Canada. Her current research is looking into the mixed-race experience from a literary and cultural focus. She currently holds the honour of Toronto's Junior Poet Laureate and is working on a collection of her own poems, as well as an anthology of young, mixed race authors, in an effort to explore and document the turbulent (and wondrous) experience of growing up with a mixed-race background. Read Adebe's paper, The need for a new mix: Literature and cultural representation
British Association for Adoption and Fostering logo Savita de Sousa & John Simmonds - Savita and John work for the British Association for Adoption and Fostering. Read Savita & John's paper, Judgement of Solomon
Sue funge Sue Funge - Sue founded the Starlight Black Child Mixed Heritage group in 1994 and is the group's Chair. She co-wrote and edited Celebrating Identity and has since facilitated workshops and conferences promoting the importance of a strong racial identity and offering approaches that help to challenge racism and prejudice. Read Sue's paper, Learning about racism
Sharron Hall
Sharron Hall - Sharron is the founder and editor of, a website offering news and views of the mixed-race experience from all over the world, for which she received a Family Learning Millennium Award. Read Sharron's paper, It's time for foundation
Dr Jin Haritaworn Dr. Jin Haritaworn - Jin is a post-doctoral fellow at Goldsmiths College and has researched and published on mixed race in Thai diasporic spaces in Britain and Germany. Read Jin's paper, Mixed race theory for everyone
Dr D Emily Hicks Dr D. Emily Hicks - Emily is a professor in Chicana/o Studies at San Diego State University and a performance artist. She is the author of Border Writing, the Multidimensional Text and Ninety-five Languages, Education in the Twenty-first Century. She is completing a book on Magna Carta, human rights and mixed ancestry. Read Emily's paper, Assimilation and mixed-race populations
Amanda Hussain Amanda Hussain - Amanda cut her teeth as a journalist while still at university and started her broadcasting career as a film critic and arts correspondent, working across television (BBC/Sky) and radio (GLR/BBC Ldn 94.9/BBC Asian Network). She is mum to 5 year old Lola, with a son on the way at the end of the year and currently freelancing as a broadcaster and voice over artist, as well as working on her first book. Read Amanda's paper, First person: Amanda Hussain
Prof Mark Johnson Prof Mark Johnson - Mark has been researching 'race and ethnic relations' for nearly 30 years, and learned the value of diverse heritage from living in South London, the Solomon Islands, Nigeria and Liverpool. He now lives near Coventry and runs a research centre in Leicester. Read Mark's paper, Mixed heritage: perspectives on health and welfare
mixedness logo Lin King - Lin is a mixed-race woman born to a white Irish mother and an African Caribbean father in post war Britain. Read Lin's paper, Not Black enough
Toby Laurent Belson Toby Laurent Belson - Toby is an artist and designer. His Brownbaby project helped five local schools celebrate the Parliamentary Abolition of the Transatlantic Slave Trade. Read Toby's paper, Black and White doesn't do the trick
Gill Lawrence Gill Lawrence - Gill is a freelance writer and carer-trainer and was brought up in a mainly white community, and was shocked by the levels of racism she and her family encountered later on. Her partner is black and their children prefer to be referred to as 'mixed-race'. Read Gill's paper, A white woman’s experience of 'mixing'
Bradly Lincoln Bradley Lincoln - Bradley is is the founder and project manager of the Multiple Heritage Project. His Father is Black Caribbean of Jamaican Heritage and his mother is White British. Read Bradley's paper, A mixed-race experience
Bob Macintosh
Bob Macintosh - Bob is an amateur philosopher and works for a charity supporting the disabled. Read Bob's paper, Identity as relationship
Hassan Mahamdallie Hassan Mahamdallie - Hassan is the Senior Strategy Officer for diversity at theArts Council England. Read Hassan's paper, The mixed-race population and enjoying art and culture
Jessica Mai Sims Jessica Mai Sims - Jessica is a research and policy analyst at the Runnymede Trust working on the Community Studies programme which explores small, less visible minority ethnic communities. Prior work in the series has included research on the Vietnamese community, and race relations and multiculturalism on university campuses, with a forthcoming paper focusing on the Thai community. She has a longstanding research interest in issues around ethnicity, racism, and multiculturalism. Read Jessica's paper, Thai-British Families: Towards a deeper understanding of 'mixedness'
Dr Sarita Malik Dr Sarita Malik - Sarita is a writer and researcher. She writes about race, culture and society. Read Sarita's paper, Dodging the -ism
Leon Mann Leon Mann - Leon works for football's anti-racism group, Kick It Out, but the views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent those of the organisation. Read Leons's paper, Mixed goals
Wilberforce Institute for the study of Slavery and Emancipation Dr Daniel McNeil - Daniel is a Lecturer in Black and Minority studies at the University of Hull/ Wilberforce Institute for the study of Slavery and Emancipation. His dissertation was called "The devil made the mulatto': Race, Religion and Respectability in the Black Atlantic", and he has written about mixed-race identities for Bright Lights Film Journal and a number of other online sources. Read Daniel's paper, You wouldn’t let it lie

Tod O'Brien Tod O'Brien - Tod is a leadership and diversity professional who is keen to promote harmony through personal values-based leadership principles which promote people from Black and Ethnic Minority (BME) backgrounds into the institutions where they are retained and progressed. He is a retired soldier and police officer. Read Tod's paper, Enigmatic or enriched?
People In Harmony Logo
Jill Olumide - Jill is a member of People in Harmony. She lectures in social science at Swansea University. Her research interests are in mixed race and children as participants in their health affairs. She is the author of Raiding the Gene Pool: the Social Construction of Mixed Race and other writing on mixed race matters. Read Jill's paper, People in harmony
Charlie Owen Charlie Owen - Charlie is a researcher in the Thomas Coram Research Unit, part of the Institute of Education, University of London. He specialises in the statistical analysis of official statistics, such as the census. He has a chapter in Toyin Okitikipi's book 'Working With Children of Mixed Parentage'.
Read Charlie's paper, Statistics
Bina Radia-Bond Bina Radia-Bond - Bina is a PhD Student at Goldsmiths College, University of London. Read Bina's paper, Ethnic intermarriage: love is not enough
Dr Miri Song Dr Miri Song - Miri is a reader in sociology at the University of Kent. Her research interests include ethnic identity,'race' and 'mixed- race', racisms, immigrant adaptation and the 'second generation'. Her books include Choosing Ethnic Identity, Rethinking 'Mixed Race' (coedited with David Parker), and Helping Out: Children's Labor in Ethnic Businesses. She is currently working on a project to investigate the range of identity choices potentially available to mixed-race young people in Britain Read Miri's paper, The diversity of 'the' mixed-race population in Britain
mixedness logo Graham Suppiah - Graham lives on the outskirts of Milton Keynes in a Northamptonshire village. He is mixed-race - white-British, Cypriot-Greek on his mother's side and Malaysian on his father's side. Read Graham's paper, A mixed society should be a positive society
Prof Leon Tickly Prof Leon Tikly - Leon is Director of a DfID funded Research Programme Consortium (RPC) on Implementing Education Quality in Low Income Countries (EdQual). Read Leon's paper, Meeting the educational needs of mixed heritage pupils: challenges for policy and practice
Dr Nathalie Van Meurs

Dr Nathalie Van Meurs - Nathalie is a Senior Lecturer at Middlesex University Business School, and founder of Identity Research, an online resource for anybody who is studying, thinking about, or working on identity related matters. Read Nathalie's paper, Mixed-race - the future’s bright, the future’s blended

Commission for Racial Equality logo The Commission for Racial Equality - The Commission for Racial Equality (CRE) had three main aims: to work towards the elimination of racial discrimination and promote equality of opportunity; to encourage good relations between people from different racial and ethnic backgrounds; and to to monitor the way the Race Relations Act is working and recommend ways in which it can be improved. Read the CRE's paper, Identity, young people and integration


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