Light-Skinned Pharoah Unacceptable Demonstrators
show their outrage at museum exhibit. Mary Lefkowitz, a retired classics professor, said that the demonstrators had a point. 'Ancient Egyptians from Memphis would have had to go to the back of the bus in Memphis, Tennessee, during the days of segregation,' the Wellesley, Mass.-based author said in a telephone interview. 'The Egyptians were kind of copper-coloured.' Demonstrator Asante Waa said, 'We're afraid of the implications that this re-creation is going to have on kids, especially on black kids.' 'For the Image of the Living God — as Tutankhamun represents — to be replaced with anything else but a black man's is a slap in the face,' said Alicia Milligen, a Florida nurse. 'It's our history,' said Evie Iles, another demonstrator, who viewed the exhibit and thinks the lighter skin tone may be a marketing strategy. 'We encourage people to go and see the authentic artefacts and to challenge what's inauthentic.' Museum of Art officials say they are talking to historians
with different viewpoints about planning a forum on the topic, but no
date has been set. Why
do people not associate Egypt with Africa?