Sport & Exercise As Part Of Pre-School Life Mozart
was playing the piano at five but infant prodigies are found in the sporting
world too. Tiger Woods was teeing off aged three. Andre Agassi was a similar
age when he received tennis lessons from Jimmy Connors. There are practical benefits too. Take swimming for instance. Obviously, being able to swim is a useful skill to acquire but it’s actually easier to learn the younger you are. In fact there is no ‘minimum age’ for swimming and many toddlers can swim before they can walk. It's only a game! Let's play ball By ‘soft’ we mean tennis or beach balls. Your kid may grow up to be a demon fast bowler but it’s not a great idea to let him get his hands on a cricket ball just yet! Ball games are often ‘team’ sports. And while we don’t advocate organising two-year olds into eleven-a-side matches, they’re a great way to socialise by getting to know other toddlers. And at this age games will be mixed sex too, thus encouraging your child to be at ease with children of the opposite gender. This can be particularly important if there are no other children at home or only siblings of the same sex. An early start for an active life It’s also important not to try and relive your own sporting fantasies through your children. Of course if you do see your offspring landing a five-iron two feet from the flag or thumping an ace over the net then think about getting some expert coaching advice. But only if you also see a tiny face smiling up at you just after they’ve done it.