
Didier and Sian

Didier - French chef

Sian - Adopted, birth parents from Wales and Nigeria - Actress, writer

Didier and Sian - Click on image to enlarge

Sian - For much of my childhood, my mixed race-ness was manifested in a polar swing between the opposites of White and Black, followed in late adolescence by a radical discovery of identity, mainly displayed in narcissism, a search for a physical mirroring of myself in the outside world. For many of us, many children, or transracially adopted like me, and resembling, in the eyes of that world any way, neither of our parents, the need for reflection was great.

Now though, with mixed raceness seemingly ubiquitous, I can find the manifestation of my hybridity in less obvious places, in my relationship with my White but identity-complex, French husband, and in the faces of my children, whose un-pin-downable features broadcast a universality that I hope will be repeated in their experiences of life.