
Delilah, Melodie and Ursula

Melodie - Parents from Jamaica - Fashion designer

Delilah and Ursula's father is from the UK

Delilah, Melodie and Ursula - Click on image to enlarge

Melodie (middle) - When I was younger, I received negative remarks by both White and Black people because of my colour. Some Black people thought I was mixed race and gave me a hard time about that. I also encountered racism from White people. My parents are both from the Caribbean and both are Black. This experience has helped shape my life because now I just associate with nice people of any colour. I teach my girls to just like decent people who accept them as they are.

Delilah (left) - I feel fine about being mixed race and I feel different when I see everybody. I like looking different with my skin colour. I am different inside.

Ursula (right) - I like being mixed race because I like the colour of my skin. That’s how I am.